How to install this FS98 Turboprop Simulation Dornier 128-6:

With Winzip, ZIP-it or another 32 bit unzipper simply expand the complete
content of this archive (apart from "" which you should
expand into the main directory of this Aircraft or to wherever you can
easily access it) into your main Flight Simulator 98 directory with the
option "restore to original directories" (or something similar) marked.
This will create the directory


in your FS98 "Aircraft" directory. It is filled with the following files
and sub-directories:

do 128-6 d-ibuf tu bs v7-4.air
INSTALL.txt (this file)


Documentation (if you expand it into the directory "DO 128-6 D-IBUF TU BRAUNSCHWEIG")
with the important documentation of this aircraft and its systems,
"Do128-6_D-IBUF_of_TU_Braunschweig_V1.htm" (read it!).

contains all resources used in the documentation.

with "do 128-6 d-ibuf tu bs v7.mdl" and "model.cfg"

with "panel.cfg", "Minicontrols.bmp", "hghb.txt", "D-IBUF upper.BMP",
"D-IBUF throttle-fuel-start.BMP", "D-IBUF radio.BMP",
"D-IBUF overhead.BMP" and "D-IBUF main.BMP"

"drtouchc.WAV", "drtouchl.wav", "drtouchr.wav", "Kap1b.wav",
"karevt.wav", "sound.cfg", "Xkan11.wav", "Xkan22.wav", "Xkap1a.wav".

with textures "do_128-6.0AF" through "do_128-6.9AF"

Additionally all files ending in ".gau" will be copied to the FS98
"Gauges" directory and the wav files necessary for the gauges will be
copied into the main "Sound" directory (in both cases don't overwrite
existing files).

One little but gravely important hint: BEFORE you attempt to start up
the aircraft READ and enjoy the documentation provided in
"Do128-6_D-IBUF_of_TU_Braunschweig_V1.htm", otherwise you may well feel
sorry for not having done so FAST!!! This is a rather realistic
turboprop simulation which is unique in FS98, so make sure you
familiarize yourself with the few peculiarities of older turboprops
BEFRORE you ruin your engines with a hot start and possibly even set
them afire. After having read and understood the basic principles you
should be able to enjoy this aircraft and panel far more than by trial
and error (which is sure to come...).

After a development time of exactly two years I now release this package
in honour of my first son Philipp who was born to us on Monday,
6 August 2001. We thank God that he is a healthy little fellow and that
his mother is also feeling great!

I hope you enjoy this first Dornier 128-6 "D-IBUF" for FS98!

Mathias Elsaesser

Released into the wild wild web on 9 August 2001